2021 global campaigns
IHG Hotels & Resorts
Open Up
your world

Role: Creative directoR
supported by the Creative Services team at IHG
Talk about starting off the new year with a bang! IHG Hotels & Resorts boldly entered 2021 with a refreshed visual identity. Our new look coincided with the world's tentative rise out of the global pandemic. Travellers once again took to the roads and skies with a kindling passion to explore new and familiar places once again. One of our campaign themes — Open Up Your World — captured the spirit of this movmement, and infused much of the work my team did this year.

There's more to see

IHG 2021 Global CampaignsView case study

IHG 2020 Global CampaignsProject type

voco HotelsProject type

Greater Atlanta Rose SocietyProject type

The C&S GroupProject type

Hensler NurseryProject type
ⓒ 2023 Matthew Hensler